Call(Object, int, Object, int, int, Datatype) - Method in class mpi.User_function
User-defined function for a new Op.
Cancel() - Method in class mpi.Request
Mark a pending nonblocking communication for cancellation.
CART - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
Cartcomm - Class in mpi
CartParms - Class in mpi
CHAR - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
clone() - Method in class mpi.Cartcomm
clone() - Method in class mpi.Comm
Duplicate this communicator.
clone() - Method in class mpi.Graphcomm
clone() - Method in class mpi.Intercomm
where would peer communicator come from ...and also localleader, and remoteleader ....
clone() - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Clone the communicator This method will be called only by intracommunicator ....
code - Variable in class mpi.Group
Comm - Class in mpi
COMM_NULL - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
COMM_SELF - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
COMM_WORLD - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
Commit() - Method in class mpi.Datatype
Commit a derived datatype.
Compare(Comm, Comm) - Static method in class mpi.Comm
Compare two communicators.
Compare(Group, Group) - Static method in class mpi.Group
Compare two groups.
Compare(Comm, Comm) - Static method in class mpi.Intracomm
Compare two communicators.
CONGRUENT - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
Contiguous(int, Datatype) - Static method in class mpi.Datatype
Construct new datatype representing replication of old datatype into contiguous locations.
Coords(int) - Method in class mpi.Cartcomm
Translate process rank to logical process coordinates.
coords - Variable in class mpi.CartParms
Create(Group) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Create a new communicator.
Create_cart(int[], boolean[], boolean) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Create a Cartesian topology communicator whose group is a subset of the group of this communicator.
Create_graph(int[], int[], boolean) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Create a graph topology communicator whose group is a subset of the group of this communicator.
Create_intercomm(Comm, int, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Create an inter-communicator.
Scan(Object, int, Object, int, int, Datatype, Op) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Perform a prefix reduction on data distributed across the group.
Scatter(Object, int, int, Datatype, Object, int, int, Datatype, int) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Inverse of the operation Gather.
Scatterv(Object, int, int[], int[], Datatype, Object, int, int, Datatype, int) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Inverse of the operation Gatherv.
Send(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Blocking send operation.
send(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int, boolean) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Send_init(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Creates a persistent communication request for a standard mode send.
SEND_OVERHEAD - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
These should be accessed after calling MPI.Init()
Sendrecv(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int, Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Execute a blocking send and receive operation.
sendrecv(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int, Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Sendrecv_replace(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Execute a blocking send and receive operation, receiving message into send buffer.
Shift(int, int) - Method in class mpi.Cartcomm
Compute source and destination ranks for ``shift'' communication.
ShiftParms - Class in mpi
SHORT - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
SHORT2 - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
Its actually not good to call the following basic datatypes because they are not ...
SIMILAR - Static variable in class mpi.MPI
Size() - Method in class mpi.Comm
Size of group of this communicator.
Size() - Method in class mpi.Datatype
Returns the total size of a datatype - the number of buffer elements it represents.
Size() - Method in class mpi.Group
Size of group.
Split(int, int) - Method in class mpi.Intracomm
Partition the group associated with this communicator and create a new communicator within each subgroup.
Ssend(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Send in synchronous mode.
ssend(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int, boolean) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Ssend_init(Object, int, int, Datatype, int, int) - Method in class mpi.Comm
Creates a persistent communication request for a synchronous mode send.
Start() - Method in class mpi.Prequest
Activate a persistent communication request.
Startall(Prequest[]) - Static method in class mpi.Prequest
Activate a list of communication requests.
Status - Class in mpi
Status(mpjdev.Status) - Constructor for class mpi.Status
Status() - Constructor for class mpi.Status
Struct(int[], int[], Datatype[]) - Static method in class mpi.Datatype
The most general type constructor.
Sub(boolean[]) - Method in class mpi.Cartcomm
Partition Cartesian communicator into subgroups of lower dimension.
SUM - Static variable in class mpi.MPI