
Name Contribution to MPJ Express Institution
Guillermo Lopez Taboada
  1. Collaborator
  2. Co-developer of the Myrinet Express (MX) device driver
  3. Testing and Debugging Team
Universidade da Coruna, Spain
Sabela Ramos Collaborator Universidade da Coruna, Spain
Jawad Manzoor Multicore Device Driver Developer National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
Kamran Hamid Testing and Debugging Team National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
Hamza Zafar MPJ Express Hadoop YARN Runtime Developer National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan

We appologise if we have missed someone's name and are very thankful to all the contributors of MPJ Express. If you have contributed to MPJ Express and think your name should be in the list pleas feel free to contact us.